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Parker was a college professor. He worked at the
neighboring town by train. One day, he encountered an stray dog at the station. When seeing its innocent eyes, he felt something sympathetic springing up in his heart. So he took it home. At first, his wife strongly opposed his behivor, But she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much.
Finally she decided to accept the dog as a part of the family.
They called it " Hachi."
Gradually Hachi grew up from a puppy into a bigger one. Every day , Hachi accompanied Parker to go to the station on time. At 5:00 in the dusk, it punctually appeared at the station exit to wait for Parker. That was the tacit agreement between them! Around the station, the hot-dog vendor and the store proprietress always saw an impressive scene that once Parker came out from the station and called “Hachi ”, the dog excitedly rushed forward, scratched his trousers, licked his face and groaned with pleasure. In his free time, Parker wanted to teach Hachi to pick a ball with its mouth, even lying on the ground and picked the ball with his mouth to set an example for Hachi, but gradually he felt it difficult to teach Hachi to do it. But one day, Parker went to the station as usual, suddenly he felt Hachi bitting his trousers. When turning back, he found that Hachi should pick the ball, Parker was very happy. But h


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