文档介绍:王敏:森林火灾的预防与扑救措施 93
王 敏
(铁岭市西丰县钓鱼国营林场 辽宁,铁岭 112000)
【摘 要】本文结合笔者多年来的工作经验分析,森林火灾的预防以及扑救措施,希望能够提出一些有用的间接促进该
中图分类号:S76 文献识别码:A 文章编号:2096-1073(2021)04-0093-94
Prevention and Rescue Measures of Forest Fire
(Fishing State Forest Farm, Xifeng County, Tieling City Tieling, Liaoning 112000)
Combined with the analysis of the author's working experience over the years, the prevention and rescue measures
of forest fire, this paper hopes to put forward some useful and indirect measures to promote the development of this aspect and
to alleviate the serious problems caused by forest fire as far as possible. Find signs as soon as possible and put out fires as soon
as possible.
forest fire; prevention; rescue measures; inquiry
[Key words]
我们经常说星星之火可以燎原,但是对于森林来说, 害程度也有所不同。一般来说我们将森林火灾分为地下
这星星点点的火苗却是森林最大的灾难,会使百年的森 火,地表火和树冠火这三大类别。