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文档介绍:A Study of the Marriage Between Elizabeth and Darcy in Pride and Prejudice

Part1 Introduction ofJane Austen
Jane Austen's background
Jane Austen's marriage experience and her view of marriage
Part2 Analysis of Elizabeth and Darcy's characters
Analysis of Elizabeth's characters
Analysis of Darcy's characters
Part3 Marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy
A happy marriagebetween Elizabeth and Darcy
A successful and ideal marriagebetween Elizabeth and Darcy
Part4 Conclusion
The marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy is the most appreciable one in Pride and Prejudice. Some of their characters make conflicts and also to some extent promote their understandingbetween each other. For example, Darcy's pride make conflict with Elizabeth's prejudice, in other words, her rebellious character. However, Darcy's integrity and Elizabeth's witty observations and her intelligence helped to resolve the contradictions and release those misunderstandings. The first part of this essay is to give some introduction of the author, Jane Austen to have a better understanding of her background and her view of marriage. The second part is to analysis some characters of Elizabeth and Darcy respectively to identify the two character. The third part of the essay is to analyze the happy successful and ideal marriage between Elizabeth and Darcy. Finally, there will be a conclusion of the essay.
Part1 Introduction of Jane Austen
Jane Austen's background
Jane Austen was born in a village in Hampshire, 1775. Her father was a rector. She was the second daughter and seventh child in a family owning eight child. The first 25 years of her life Austen spent in Hampshire. She was educated at home with her parents were good readers and she received a broader education. In comparison to many women of her time, she was better educate


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