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文档介绍:坎特伯雷故事坎特伯雷的梗概内容" "The Canterbury story assembles " bea Chaucerian United Kingdom writer novel. Work depicts a group of pilgrim aggregation prepare to get rid of Canterbury city hadj in one wife and children of London in the inn. The shopkeeper people suggests that on passage respectively, pilgrims say two stories , look at had better who says in going there and back. Story collection has included 23 stories , the among them the most wonderful story has had: Knight's story that the tragedy story , the Bass woman say, sells the love that the knight says atoning for the crime the animal allegory story advising world allegory story , clergyman to talk , the moving love that family dispute story , peasant that the businessman says say that ticket person pose in reply generously code of brotherhood behavior story. (汉语意思是:《坎特伯雷故事集》是英国作家乔叟的小说。作品描写一群香客聚集在伦敦一家小旅店里, 准备去坎特伯雷城朝圣。店主人建议香客们在往返途中各讲两个故事,看谁讲的最好。故事集包括了 23 个故事,其中最精彩的故事有: 骑士讲的爱情悲剧故事、巴斯妇讲的骑士的故事、卖赎罪券者讲的劝世寓言故事、教士讲的动物寓言故事、商人讲的家庭纠纷的故事、农民讲的感人的爱情和慷慨义气行为的故事。) ----------------------------- 告诉我们道理: Have told us the people's life aphorism: Should not shut an eye when opening an eye , should not begin to speak when keeping silent. (汉语意思是:告诉了我们人的生活格言:该睁眼时莫闭眼,该缄默时勿开口。) Work has reflected capitalism in embryo broadly the United Kingdom social life, has brought church sepsis , clergyman's avarice and hypocrisy to light , has blamed the asceticism s


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