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Sam and Jenny divorced in 2002, but they are far from complete__1 . They’re among a fast-growing number of divorced moms and dads who spend holidays together so the kids don’t have to__2 between parents or shuttle back and forth. In a__3 change form the traditional bitterness of divorce, many__4 parents are doing their best to be friendly, even warm, especially on the most important days of the year.
Experts say that by coming together, divorced parents provide a more stable and healthy__5 for their kids. Plenty of parents already know firsthand what’s at stake (利害攸关)for their kids,, especially those who grew up in a__6 where one out of every two marriages ended in divorce. They remember the midnight screaming that spoiled their own __7 , and vow to spare their children similar turmoil.(混乱)
Another big change is the greater__8 played by today’s dads in the raising of their kids. Fathers who share in the parenting during marriage expect nothing less after divorce. The__9 of Dad as simply the moneymaker, not a nurturer, has no longer been regarded as relevant to modern times. Today, to most people, it is__10 for a father not to be involved in raising kids.

1. A. colleagues
B. couples
C. enemies
D. parents
2. A. choose
B. stand
C. quarrel
D. scream
. dramatic
B. sudden
C. technological
D. sli