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Part I Chose the best answer from the three choices given below.(20分)
1. What should NOT be omitted in a tour guide’s welcome speech?____
A. The guide’s self introduction
B. The entertainment planned for the guests
C. The history of the host country
D. Information about the airport
2. The Six Ancient Capitals in China are Xi’an, Nanjing, ____, Kaifeng, Luoyang and Beijing.
A. Zhengzhou
B. Tianjin
C. Chengdou
D. Hangzhou
3. In Chinese culture, the four supernatural animals are the dragon, the phoenix, the unicorn and ____.
A. the lion
B. the tiger
C. the tortoise
D. the elephant
4. China’s Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains are Mount Jiuhua, Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, and____.
A. Mount Putuo
B. Mount Wudang
C. Mount laoshan
D. Longhu
5. Most imperial gardens have three sections: the administrative section, residential section and ____section.
A. recreational
B. dining
C. singing and dancing
D. educational
6. The Lotus flower in Buddhism symbolizes the purity of the Buddha and____.
A. freedom
B. happiness
C. enlightenment
D. rebirth
7. For nearly 200 years, the Qing emperors attended to state affairs in the____.
A. Hall of Complete Harmony
B. Hall of Supreme Harmony
C. Hall of Preserving Harmony
D. Hall of Mental Cultivation
8. Mount Tai is located in Shandong Province. The word “Tai” of Mount Taishan means____in Chinese.
A. harmony and happiness
B. grand and beautiful
C. stability and peace
D. holy and pure


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