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上传人:非学无以广才 2021/5/18 文件大小:86 KB




文档介绍:1冠词 a /an /the
gave my sister ____useful book yesterday.
A. an B. a  C. / D the
brother is__ honest boy, so he has many friends.
A. a B. an C. the D /
is a big tree____ the house.
A. in the front of   B. in front of   C. in front   D. at class
always answers the teacher’s questions _______.
 A. in class B. in the class   C. after class D. at class
2. “other"  "others" "another" "the other"怎么区别和怎么用?
Some students are  playing basketball,other students  are playing tennis..
any other加单数名词
others :(三者及其以上)代词,其她(人或事),相称于other +名词。如:
Some students are playing football,others are playing basketball. (others=other students)
 To finish the work,we need another two hours.(要完毕这项工作,咱们还需要(在本来基本上增长) 两个小时。)
the other (两者/两某些)另一种 。代词,另一种(人或物),常与one 连用。如:
There are two apples. One is green,the other is red
1) Will you show me ____?I don’t like it’s colour.
2) She has two computers. One is IBM PC 386 and ____ is IBM PC 586.
3) Tom runs faster than any ____ student in his class.
4) The students have English,Chinese,maths,biology and many subjects.
5) Why are only three of you here in the classroom?Where are ______?
6) My classmates come from different parts of the country. Some come from Shanghai,some from Tianjin and _ from Beijing.
information,knowledge,furniture,luggage,clothing,equipment,homework,housework,news,paper,mathematics,economics,food,money, water ,difficulty,cloud,rain…
I remember on that day______ come one after another to our family. it really surprised all of us.
pieces of news of good news
good piece of news piece of good news

不规则变化:child---children foot---feet tooth---teeth goose-geese mouse---mice man---men woman---women German---Germans
以o结尾 hero---heroes,potato----potatoes,tomato--- tomatoes photo-photos.
以f/fe结尾 life---- lives leaf----- leaves w


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