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上传人:业精于勤 2021/5/18 文件大小:36 KB




文档介绍:M1U1 What can you smell and taste?
词汇: watermelon西瓜 grape 葡萄 plum李子
cherry樱桃 strawberry草莓 guess 猜
purple紫色 smell闻 taste尝
sweet甜 fruit水果 crunchy易碎
vine藤 sour 酸 summer夏天
词组:a glass of watermelon juice 一杯西瓜汁 smell it 闻闻它
I think 我觉得 close your eyes闭上你眼睛
sweet and nice又甜又美味 How about---?---怎么样?
on a tall vine 在一条高藤上

句型:-----What do you have?
-----Close your eyes. Smell it. Is it ---or---?
-----It’s....... ,I think.
-----Now taste it. How does it taste?
-----What is it?
What do you like?你喜欢什么?
Do you like red ones or green ones?你喜欢红色还是绿色?
A red apple for you and a green apple for ,一种青苹果给我
How does the red apple taste?那个红苹果尝起来如何?
What nice grapes!多美味葡萄啊!
They are not sweet at .

M1U2 How does it feel?
一 单词:
soft 柔软 hard坚硬 rough粗糙 smooth光滑
sharp锋利 blunt钝,迟钝 thick厚 thin薄
whose谁 these 这些 those那些 toy bear玩具熊
touch触摸 round 圆 beach海滩 sand沙子
blind 盲 hear 听到 answer回答 hot 热

二 短语:
So thick这样厚 put your pen in the bag把你笔放在书包里
big and round又大又圆 smooth and soft光滑柔软
Take off my shoes脱掉鞋子 of course 固然
In the sand在沙子里 one of the brothers兄弟们之一
take it to the lost-property office带到失物招领处
touch the elephant触摸大象 the last brother 最后一种兄弟
play in the school yard在校园里玩
三 句型:
---Whose.....is this\ that? ---It’s.....
---Whose.....are these\ those? ---They are.....
does it feel?它感觉怎么样?
’s the matter?怎么了?
’s something in the sand. 沙子里有东西。
comes a man on an elephant. 有一种人骑着大象走过来。
like eating and 。