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文档介绍:2 论文提要随着我国加入世界贸易组织和全球经济一体化的发展平行进口在国际贸易领域中的问题变得越来越突出平行进口尤其是商标平行进口不仅是知识产权保护的问题而且是国际贸易领域中待解决的问题本文对商标平行进口概念形式特征产生的原因所引起的各方主体利益的影响进行了探讨发现商标平行进口既有防止商标权人垄断市场的积极意义也有对商标权人和消费者带来的不利影响禁止平行进口就是在国际贸易中设置了知识产权壁垒这显然不符合当今世界经济全球化和贸易自由化的普遍要求允许平行进口则会损害知识产权所有人的利益不利于维护权利人的垄断地位进而挫伤权利人的创造积极性最终影响经济发展和社会进步平行进口的利弊客观存在作出取舍的过程实质上就是一个利益平衡的过程本文试图从知识产权两大相互对立的理论权利用尽原则与地域性原则所产生的冲突以及知识产权保护与贸易自由化所产生的冲突论述我国应如何借鉴其他国家的立法和司法实践经验从平衡商标权利人平行进口的进口商及消费者等各方主体的利益出发对商标平行进口采取允许并有限制的立法选择以商标法为主反不正当竞争法等法律法规为辅对商标的平行进口行为进行有效规制我国在制定和完善商标平行进口法律规范时应努力做到使我国的知识产权政策和外贸政策与国际公约接轨既有利于保护知识产权又能够最大限度地消除非关税壁垒促进贸易自由化 3 Abstract With China’s entry into WTO and the development in globalization of economy, the issue on parallel import (PI) in international trade es more and more outstanding. PI, especially, trademark PI, is not only the issue related to intellectual property protection, but also the problem in the area of international trade in dispute. This essay undertakes a study on the concept, patterns, features, causes and interests of all parties of trademark parallel import. Trademark parallel import has not only a positive effect that prevents the trademark property owners to constitute a monopoly in the market, but also a negative influence that brings about to the property owners and consumers. Banning trademark PI constitutes intellectual propertybarriers in international trade. It is obviously not in conformity with universal requirements of free trade and economic integration in the world. But allowing trademark PI impairs the interests of trademark property owners who will lose their monopoly positions and their initiative of creating new products. It would ultimately hold up economic development and social progress. Both advantages and disadvantages exist at the same time. Banning or allowing is weighing the pros and cons. This essay focuses on how to regulate trademark parallel import under the framework of the prevailing laws. It analyzes the conflict of the two basic theories of intellectual property---exhaustion of


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