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one-step adhesives资料.pdf

上传人:学习好资料 2021/5/21 文件大小:158 KB


one-step adhesives资料.pdf


文档介绍:groups. Most recently, oral health has improved for adults in and plaque. The most effective order to be followed in per-
the United States but grown worse for 2- to 5-year-old chil- forming oral hygiene is tooth brushing, additional cleaning
dren. Therefore efforts are needed to improve caries pre- of interdental spaces with floss or sticks, and then using a
vention approaches. fluoride rinse.
Preventing dental caries is uniquely related to fluoride Special Considerations.—Elderly patients may benefit
use. However, the proper formulation of fluoride- from the use of fluoride rinses more than some other pop-
containing toothpastes is critical to achieving optimal effi- ulations. Often they take medications that affect salivary
cacy. There is some protection from tooth-bound intrinsic flow or have impaired salivary function related to age. Tooth
fluoride, but extrinsically provided fluoride appears to be brushing may be more challenging because of their loss of
more effective in preventing decay. dexterity, lack of physical stamina, or inability to maintain
the activity for a sufficiently long period of time. Tooth-
Recommendations.—Frequent exposure to fluoride pastes can be too aggressive for their sensitive mucosal
products appears to be more