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BlackBerry announces Siri rival, coming with BB10.3.rtf

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BlackBerry announces Siri rival, coming with BB10.3.rtf

上传人:移动浏览器下载 2014/7/17 文件大小:0 KB


BlackBerry announces Siri rival, coming with BB10.3.rtf


文档介绍:BlackBerry announces Siri rival, coming with
Though a bit late to the game, Blackberry has just announced its own voice assistant app pete with Apple's Siri, and pany is calling it BlackBerry Assistant.
BlackBerry is toting the voice assistant's accuracy patibility "with any Bluetooth device," as well as the option to make the app hands-free.
The app features a hands-free option which will enable people to hear emails read back and even mark them unread — all without having to touch their phone. BlackBerry Assistant also executes many of its dictated tasks from within the app itself, which keeps things tidy.
Blackberry isn't interested in emulating the experience of dialing an assistant and being walked through a task. It wants to make BlackBerry assistant more like a classic desk buzzer.
By keeping the execution of tasks inside the app, BlackBerry is betting that most people don't need to see what happens behind the scenes.
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