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心跳 心跳过快是什么原因.doc

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心跳 心跳过快是什么原因.doc

上传人:dyx110 2021/5/24 文件大小:18 KB


心跳 心跳过快是什么原因.doc


Sudha Chandran, a young girl who learned dancing when she was three years old and whose greatest passion remains dancing, was cut off in the prime of her career―quite literally―when her right leg had to be 1)amputated after a car a classical dancer from India, Sudha was 17 when the tragedy 2)struck. Her right leg was badly injured in a traffic accident and had to be amputated below the knee when 3)gangrene set in. The tragedy was all the more 4)poignant as Sudha was 5)on the verge of beginning a glittering career in [1]Bharatha Natyam, one of the most 6)exacting forms of Indian classical dance. Sudha’s world crumbled. She felt that all the years of training had gone to waste and in any case what kind of life was it to be without a leg. The reality that she would never dance again was too much to 7)cope with, she simply did not want to , she didn’t give up. During the six-month 8)recu-peration period after surgery she became obsessed with the idea of walking again but without crutches. By chance she picked up a magazine and read about 9)Dr Sethi and his famous [2]Jaipur foot and immediately made an appointment to see first question she asked of him was “will I dance again?” His reply without hesitation was “why not?” They tried out various options including a spring-loaded ankle fitting for more flexibility essential fo