文档介绍:Christy Wong Mavis Sanders christywong@ mavissanders@ B O O K S T A T S A V A I L A B L E : T R I M : B I N D I N G : I S B N : P A G E S : P R I C E : June 2010 6 x 9 softcover 978-1-4143-3415-8 304 $ Anatomy of the Soul Surprising Connections betweenNeuroscience and Spiritual Practices That Can Transform Your Lifeand Relationships March2010, CAROL STREAM, IL—The average person on the street doesn’t think about neuroscience. However, the average person may not realize that learning about the interconnection of our hearts and minds can transform our relationships with others. In Anatomy of the Soul (June 2010, Tyndale House Publishers), psychiatristCurt Thompson draws upon the latest neurological discoveries to prove that spiritual practices can actually alter our brain patterns, improving our relationships and literally making us more like the people God intends us to be. Romans 12:2 reminds us to “be transformed by the renewing of [our]mind[s]”(NIV). Dr. Thompson shows how neuroscientific findings about our brain functions align with what the Bible teaches about how to develop the mind of Christ. As we engage in spiritual practices such as prayer and confession, our actual works are renewed. Anatomy of the Soulprovides insight into how neuroscience can answer difficult psychological questions,such as: ?In a world that is more connec