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文档介绍:填空冲刺复****题 In many science films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed asa struggle between technology, which is malevolent , and the errant will ofa depraved intellectual. Opposition= struggle malevolent=errant Far from viewing Jefferson asa skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s portrayed him asa doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his politician orthodox while censoring ideas he did not like. Doctrinaire= fill the young with his politician orthodox New research on technology and public policy focuses onhow seemingly insignificant design features, generally overlooked in most analysis of public works projects or industrial machinery, 提示了线索,即 New research 都集中于表面的东西 actually mask social choices of profound significance. when theories formerly considered tobe disinterested in their scientific objectivity are found instead to reflect a consistent observational and evaluative bias, then the presumed neutrality 提示了前面的答案 of science gives way to the recognition that categories of knowledge are human constructions . 在填空中, 若题目围绕一个主题, 例如这里是 science, 那么就分析文中对此主题的评价, 所填词与之出现过的属性是一致还是相反? To test the efficacy of borrowing from one field of study to enrich another, simply investigate the extent to which terms from the one may, without forcing, be utilized to the other . 此为难题,原因在于很难找到直接对应?那么,就需要根据逻辑关系和句子的整体意思,来选择答案? Sponsors of the bill were relieve