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Coins-ppt PPT课件.ppt.ppt

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Coins-ppt PPT课件.ppt.ppt


文档介绍:1_________ a piece of money made of metal 2_________ the hard outside part of a small animal that lives in the sea 3_________ a shiny grey metal that is very valuable 4_________ a group of things that somebody has brought together 5_________ a very big hole in the ground where people work to get things like coal, gold or diamonds 6_________ dig in the ground for things like coal or gold 7_________ what you use for making or doing something 8_________ put something where people cannot find it coin seashell silver collection mine n. mine vt. material hide Lesson 22 Coins 中山大学附中夏金彪 The earliest coins in the world were called bei money that were used in China from more than 3000 years ago. Coins may be of different sizes,weights, shapes,and of different metals. It mon to have the head of a famous person on one side. Today the coin is usually pressed with the country ,the value of the coin and the date. Oral work 1 Say something about coins key words: earliest,sizes,designs,before coins appeared 2 Collections of coins sometimes tell a story that has been forgotten Written work The earliest coins in the world were used in _______ from more than _______ years ago. Coins may be of different ______, _______ , ________, and of different metals. Usually they hav