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文档介绍:20 th South African Transport Conference South Africa, 16 – 20 July 2001 ‘Meeting the Transport Challenges in Southern Africa’ Organised by: Conference Planners Conference Papers Produced by: Document Transformation Technolo gies HEAVY VEHICLE OVERLOAD CONTROL IN THE CITY OF TSHWANE K PILLAY and DR. J BOSMAN 1 Transportation Planning, Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality . Box 6338, Pretoria, 0001 Phone: 072 219 2136, Fax: 012 328 5137, E-mail : ******@.za 1 Director, V3 Consulting Engineers Abstract Overloaded heavy vehicles decrease the life span of the road st ructure with added costs for maintenance and rehabilitation of the road pavement. The manage ment and protection of the road network is necessary, while maintaining the economic base of th e freight industry. While hauliers profit from weak law enforcement, overloaded vehicles are damag ing roads, the annual road budget in real terms is diminishing and the condition of roads is dete riorating. The premature deterioration of infrastructure inevitably compromises road safety, and adds to the high fatality rate on South African roads. As this continues, the long-term consequences ar e serious and its impact on the economy is the irony. Pavement Management Systems data for the City of Tshwane reveal ed significant deterioration of the road infrastructure


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