文档介绍:分类号 密级
U D C 编号
题目 红外线的应用
系 别 继续教育学院
专业名称 光机电一体化工程
年 级 2008级
姓名 张渊
学 号 8
指导教师姓名 徐小俊
摘要: 在工程实践中,机械设备由于长期运行及工作环境恶劣,事故频发,不仅造成设备损坏,影响正常生产,,事前的故障诊断是非常重要的。随着科技进步,红外成像技术也得到了充分的发展, 其应用方面也越来月广泛,特别对于机械设备潜在的故障诊断,红外热成像技术具有安全性高,非接触性和无需停止设备就能进行检测等诸多优点。以红外热成像技术为基础的机械设备潜在的故障诊断成为一个非常有意义的研究方向。
Abstract: mechanical equipment due to the long run and the abominable working environment, accidents, not only cause damage to the equipment, influence the normal production, but also on the operator's personal safety posed a serious threat to。 In order to ensure the equipment safety, advance of fault diagnosis is very important。 With the progress of science and technology, infrared imaging technology has been fully developed, its application has also more and more widely, especially for mechanical equipment potential fault diagnosis, infrared thermal imaging technique with high security, non contact and without stopping the device can detect etc.. With infrared thermal imaging technique based on mechanical equipment potential fault diagnosis becomes a meaningful research direction.
Infrared thermal imaging technology in practical application is first passed through a thermal infrared imager acquisition mechanical thermal infrared information, in further to the thermal infrared information analysis for equipme