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上传人:WonderZ 2021/6/4 文件大小:17 KB




She has a naive face, her hands beautiful delicate words, let I envy, more let I admire; When I am angry, yet sweet voice, yet fort, always make me confused heart calm down, listening to the sweet tone of voice, feeling that the temperature of the clutching my hand, my heart is filled with warmth. She is an ordinary girl, but I changed pletely.
Remember in the sixth grade, I am not pletely is a good student, learning is not so self-conscious. But since entered high school, made her such a friend, I have changed, I think I'm in the progress. This should speak of from it
The week, I didn't do well I think I had been a plete failure, for the first time I so bad. At this moment, I am very depressed, I don't want to give yourself a chance. She seemed to see my thoughts, so came up to say to me: a little varied, you don't want to give yourself a chance to start again? Hearing the words, my heart have a feeling: yeah, will inevitably suffer setbacks in life, do not experience wind and rain, how see rainbow? As an old saying goes, sunshine always after the rain. Now, my mood by frustration into confidence again.
She is a man of ingenuity. On one occasion, an art teacher taught us to do the fan, she taught two kinds


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