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文档介绍:1 无线局域网安全研究摘要无线局域网是在两个节点间以高频无线波而不是有线传播媒体进行通信的局域网传输的数据极易遭到窃听随着无线网络的蓬勃发展无线网络的安全问题引起了越来越多的企业组织和个人的关注他们相继提出了自己的解决方案国际标准也为此采用了WEP 此标准采纳了国际标准 ISO/:1999和IEEE Std - 2 RESERCH ON WIRELESS LOCAL WORK ABSTRACT WLAN is a type of local-work that uses high-frequency radio waves rather than wires municate between nodes. Data transmission in WLAN is subject to eavesdropping. With the explosive growth in works, more and more corporations, organizations and individuals concern the security of wireless networks and propose their solutions. IEEE also ratified a series of security protocols related to WLAN such as WEP, WPA, and VPN. But these security mechanisms are simply modified from the work’s security solutions, and are easy to be attacked. The standard is still in discussion. In order to play an active role in regulating and directing the wireless market and the applications in china, the “Chinese Broadband Wireless IP Standard Working Group” publishes two national standards and . The two standards are proposed for wireless LAN’s security after referencing the international standards ISO/:1999 and IEEE Std -1999, and taking the interconnecting within wireless products into consideration. The two standards would effectively regulate and direct the applications and developments of wireless LAN products. WAPI is the authentication and privacy security protocol of . In this thesis, we analyze