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all you need to know.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/9 文件大小:0 KB


all you need to know.pdf



文档介绍:TISSUE COVERING OVER MYLAR - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW Rubber Power Model Airplanes This following covering method is pilation of what many modern day old-time rubber modelers now use, plus my personal experience. You cannot go wrong following this. Oh, yeah! Tissue over Mylar has many advantages over just straight tissue but still retains that great Japanese tissue look. Others more empirical than me have done weight tests and tissue over Mylar is generally lighter or about the same as just doped tissue due to the fact you do not need much dope. The combination of Mylar/tissue is tough, probably 50 times tougher than just tissue, and the tissue won’t sag in high humidity or early morning dew. Cheers, Captain Cornell Crawford, Neighborhood Hero Aka: Karl Gies Subject: TISSUE OVER MYLAR (YOU GET THE GREAT JAPANESE TISSUE LOOK!) This 2-step covering method is not only a lot tougher than just tissue, but as light or lighter because you only need one or two coats of Nitrate dope on the tissue. Dope is heavy. This is what I learned from using Mylar covered with tissue and it is a great way to go. I do not use the iron-on self-stick Mylar on the advice of others. I made some test panels and I highly mend this before trying it on a model. DO MAKE SOME TESTPANELS FIRST, IT WILL SAVE YOU A LOT OF GRIEF! I just used scrap balsa, stout stuff like 1/4" square to make


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