文档介绍:Saˉ dhan aˉV ol. 33, P art 5, October 2008, pp. 581 – 590. ? Printed in India DSP-based electric po wer assisted steering using BLDC motor R MU R UGAN, SN AN D AKUMAR and MS MOHI Y ADEEN Bharat Electronics Limited, Nandambakkam, Chennai 600 089 e-mail: ******@; ******@; ******@ Abstract. This paper introduces a design and implementation of electrically assisted po wer steering (EAS) using BLDC motor for av ehicle. The control archi- tecture consists oftwo layers of control, namely the v ehicle speed associated control and the torque assist control. In the higher lev el of control architecture, the v ehicle speed controller w orks as an assistance lev el controller for the steering ef fort. In the lo wer lev el, the torque controller giv es the ef fort lev el control. This has been realized by torque sensor and v ehicle sensor inter f aced in the DS or implement- ing in the system, a DSP-based BLDC motor controller with three-phase inv erter module is specially designed using Hall-e f fect sensor feedback and a single dc-link current senso r. This w ork is implemented ina mercial V ehicle ha ving a recirculating ball type gea r. This is for the first time (EAS) being implemented for this type ofv ehicle any where in the w orld. Generall y, EAS ha ving clutch to disconnect the motor in high speed or abnormal conditions from the gear box. In this implementation the motor is directly coupled to gearbox without clutch and all abnormalities are handled by the processo r. This is implemented without modify- ing the v ehicle supply system like changing the e xisting alternator or rating of the battery and using the e xisting sensors. The design is such aw ay that the feel of the driv er assistance can bev aried easily atany time. The performance of the control system ise xperimentally v erified and it is tested in one of the mercial V ehicle (LCV). K eyw ords. BLDC motor; EAS; steering. 1. Int r oduction Po wer steering isa system