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1. Honesty诚实A man went to an insurance office to have his life insured. The
manager of the office asked him how old his parents were when they died.
“Mother had a bad heart and died at the age of thirty. Father died of tuberculosis when he was thirty-five.”
“I am very sorry,”said the manager,“we cannot insure your life as your parents were not healthy.”
As the man was leaving the office, depressed, he met a clerk, who had overheard the conversation.
“You must not be so frank and tell the truth,”said the clerk,“no office will insure you if you speak like that. Use your imagination a little.”
The man went to another office and was shown into the managers room.
“Well, young man, how old were your parents when they died?”
“Mother was ninety-three, and she died from a fall off her bicycle. Father was ninety-eight and he died while he was playing football.”
Guide with Prejudice带偏见的导游
In 1861 the Civil War started in the United States between the Northern and the Southern states. The war continued with great bitterness until 1865,when the Northerners were victorious. However, even today, many Southerners have not forgotten their defeat, or forgiven the Northerners.
A few years ago, a party of American tourists were going round one of the battlefields of the Civil War with a guide who came from one of the Southern states. At each place, the guide told the tourists
stirring stories about how a few Southern soldiers had conqueredAt last, one of the tourists, a lady who came from the North, stopped the guide and said to him,“But surely the Northern army must
have won at least one victory in the Civil War?”
“Not as long as Im the guide here, madam,”answered the Southern guide.
小学英语 经典爱情26个字
“世上没有十全十美的人”。记着,你爱他,就必须接受他的一切,甚至他的缺点。 B-belief(信任)
忌的爱情就只有分手下场。 C-care(关心)