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文档介绍:电子商务研究,2007年春季第五卷,第一期,页55-80探讨虚拟社群之知识分享行 为:以线上游戏社群为例朱文祯长荣大学企业管理系所陈哲贤长荣大学企业管 理系所摘要由网际网??形成之虚拟社群,提供使用者有助於彼此之间互动和分享 资讯与知??的环境。近????,消费者社群与各??主题式虚拟社群蓬勃发展。此外, 国内网??游戏的盛??,线上游戏社群汇聚众多游戏玩家,已成为玩家主要的知??与 资讯交??平台,在此趋势环境下,深入??解社群之知??分享??为已成为网站经营者 或是社群管??者之要务。本研究采用计画??为??????建构线上游戏社群的知??分享?? 为模式。对回收的182份有效样本,以结构方程式模式??验证计画??为????模式是否 适用於虚拟社群的知??分享??为。研究发现知??分享??为之「??为意图」主要受到「主 观规范」、「知觉??为控制」与「??为态??」三者的影响。另外,虚拟社群之「知?? 分享??为」主要受到「主观规范」、「??为意图」的正向影响,而「知觉??为控制」 则透过「??为意图」,间接影响知??分享??为。除此之外,研究模式中之外生变?? 皆分别会透过??为态??、主观规范与知觉??为控制的中介作用,进而间接正向影响 知??分享??为。关键字:虚拟社群、线上游戏社群、知??分享、计画??为????、结 构方程式模式。 Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Online Game Virtual Communities
Wen-Chen Chu Chang Jung Christian University Jhe-Sian Chen Chang Jung Christian University Abstract The virtual communities provide users with a beneficial surrounding to interact as well as share information and knowledge with others. On the Internet, virtual communities established on consumer interests have been growing rapidly. The online game virtual communities have received considerable attention in Taiwan. To be effective in this new environment, virtual community managers have to realize the implication of knowledge sharing behavior. In this paper, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is adopted to study how the participators behave in virtual community concerning knowledge sharing. Validating our research model with Structural Equation Model, the findings support all the individual causal paths postulated by TPB except the relation from perceived behavior control to knowledge sharing behavior. The results are the following: 1. The "behavioral intention" of knowledge sharing in virtual community is mainly positively influenced by "subjective norm" and "perceived behavioral control" and "attitude toward the behavior,, of knowledge sharing. 2. The "behavior" of knowledge sharing in virtual community is mainly positively influenced by "subjective norm", "behavioral intention". However, "perceived behavioral control" indirectly