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医学论文英文摘要 III.ppt.ppt

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医学论文英文摘要 III.ppt.ppt



文档介绍:Lectures on Writing Medical Paper Abstracts in English 第三讲医学论文英文摘要中的常用词汇和句型第一节医学论文英文摘要中的常用词汇医学论文英文摘要要求用词十分精确,以专门术语和书面词汇为主。如下面这些在普通英语中常用的单词和短语: about, ask, begin, buy, change, use up, look at, 等,在医学英语中常用的表达方式为 approximately, inquire, commence, purchase, transform, consume, examine. 一、摘要中表达“目的”的常用词 1. 介绍目的的常用动词研究: study, investigate, examine, observe, explore 评价: evaluate, validate 确定: determine, decide, confirm, support, define, characterize 证实: prove, demonstrate, test, support, testify, verify 阐明: explain, elucidate, clarify, illustrate, delineate, find out 介绍: describe, present, report 建立: establish, develop, set out 寻找: search for, look for, seek 识别、区分: identify, differentiate, discriminate 优选: optimize 比较: compare 回顾: review 相关: correlate A and B 2. 介绍目的的常用名词 Aim: 一词既是动词又是名词,两种词性都可以用来表示某种目的,如: 1) The aim of this study was to establish an hB1F transgenic mouse model to promote the functional study of hB1F. 2) This study aims to examine the effect of rectal balloon- distention stimulus. Attempt: 即是动词又是名词, 两种词性都可以表示某种目的。 3) In an attempt to develop a rapid and reproducible method for detecting and quantifying apoptosis, we coupled optimization. 4) To attempt to clarify the mechanism(s) underlying these observations, we studied the expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN). Goal: 只能作名词,用来表示某种目的。 5) The goal of this paper is to show how … differ(s) from … Purpose: 只能作名词,用来表示某种目的。 6) The purpose of this study was to investigate the proteins interacting with IpaC in the host cell during the pathogenic process of this disease. 7) The purpose of this study was to improve our current understanding of cancer development. 二、摘要中表示“方法”的常用词 1. 介绍研究或实验过程常用词有: test, study, investigate, examine, determine, experiment, discuss, consider, analyze, analysis 等。 1) Cluster analysis was performed to classify the patterns of structured abstracts objectively. . 2) Articles of original contributions published by


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