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文档介绍:Myths and misconceptions in the debate on Russia
How they affect Western policy,
and what can be done
Duncan Allan, Annette Bohr, Mathieu Boulègue, Keir Giles, Nigel Gould-Davies, Philip Hanson,
John Lough, Orysia Lutsevych, Kate Mallinson, Anaïs Marin, James Nixey, Ben Noble, Nikolai Petrov, Ekaterina Schulmann, James Sherr, Kataryna Wolczuk and Andrew Wood
Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, is a world-leading policy institute based in London.
Our mission is to help governments and societies build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world.
Summary 3
Introduction 14
James Nixey
‘Russia and the West are as “bad” as each other’ 18
James Sherr
‘Russia and the West want the same thing’ 23
Keir Giles
‘Russia was promised that NATO would not enlarge’ 28
John Lough
‘Russia is not in a conflict with the West’ 33
Mathieu Boulègue
‘We need a new pan-European security architecture 38
that includes Russia’
Duncan Allan
‘We must improve the relationship with Russia, even 42
without Russian concessions, as it is too important’
Andrew Wood
‘Russia is entitled to a defensive perimeter – a sphere 47
of “privileged interests” including the territory of other states’
Kate Mallinson
‘We must drive a wedge between Russia and China to impede 51
their ability to act in tandem against Western interests’
Annette Bohr
‘The West’s relations with Russia must be normalized 57
in order to counter the rise of China’
James Nixey
‘The Eurasian Economic Union is a genuine and meaningful 63
counterpart to the EU’
Kataryna Wolczuk
‘The peoples of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are one nation’ 70
Anaïs Marin
‘Crimea was always Russian’ 75
Orysia Lutsevych
‘Liberal market reform in the 1990s was bad for Russia’ 82
Philip Hanson
‘Sanctions are the wrong approach’ 86
Nigel Gould-Davies
‘It’s all about Putin – Russia is a manually run, 91
centralized autocracy’
Ben Noble and E