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Huaqing Hot Pool is situated about 35 kilometers east of the city of Xi’an. Huaqing Pool is located at the foot of the Lishan Mountain
With Mount. Li to its south and the Wei River to its north, it boasts the natural hot springs. The favorable geographical condition and natural environment make it one of the cradles where ancient people settled down.
It was also a favorite place for emperors to build their palaces as a resort. Since ancient times, it has ever been a famous bathing and tourist destination.
According to historical records,the Huaqing Pool has a history of 6000 years for the use of hot springs and a history of 3000 years of royal gardens when Emperor Xuan Zong commanded the construction of Huaqing Palace on a large scale. In the year 747 ., the new palace was completed and emperor Xuan Zong named it Huaqing Palace.
Inside the palace, there were officials bureaus and houses and hot pools. At that time, the history of Huaqing Pool reached its climax.
Nine Dragons Lake (九龙湖)
Statue of Yang Guifei (杨贵妃雕像)
Brief introduction of Yang GuiFei
Yang GuiFei was born in Si Chuan Province of China in 719 and was dead in 756. When she was dead, she was 38 years old.
The 7th Emperor of Tang Dynasty “Tang Xuan Zong” had one daughter and one son. The daughter and the son were co-twin. When the daughter was holding wedding party in Luo Yang City of He Nan Province, she invited Yang Yu Huan to participate. Yang Yu Huan was loved by her co-twin brother. So, soon Yang Yu Huan was married with him. When the emperor “Tang Xuan Zong” was 56 years old, his empress was dead. So, the emperor looked at the daughter in-law “Yang Yu Huan” as her dead empress because Yang was beautiful like her dead empress. So, the emperor “Tang Xuan Zong” made a robbery of his son's wife and gave a formal position to Yang Yu Huan as high-ranked imperial concubine Yang (Yang GuiFei).
“Tang X


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