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文档介绍:.页眉. 页脚. 毕业论文(设计) 外文翻译题目: 我国乡村旅游开发研究——以浙江临安白沙村为例学院:旅游与城市管理学院专业:资源环境与城乡规划管理班级:规划 0801 学号: 0805200125 学生姓名:陈崎指导教师:程乾二○一二年六月毕业论文:外文翻译学生姓名:陈崎定稿时间: 2012-5-9 -1- 外文翻译之一 Factors for ess in rural tourism tourism development 作者: Suzanne Wilson, Daniel , Julie Fesenmaier and John C,Van Es 国籍: US 出处: Journal ofTravel Research 原文正文: Since the 1970s,economic restructuring and farm crisis have reduced munities' economic development options, making older development strategies less viable and forcing many tolook for nontraditional ways tosustain themselves. One ofthe most popular nontraditional rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship rural development strategies has been tourism and its associated entrepreneurship opportunities because of tourism's ability tobring indollars and togenerate jobs and support retail growth. The purpose ofthis study was toidentify and examine those factors that have helped munities essfully develop tourism and its entrepreneurship opportunities. Several focus groups were conducted with local businesspersons and leaders insix rural munities. The results clearly demonstrate the importance munity approach totourism development and that rural tourism development and entrepreneurship cannot work without the participation and collaboration ofbusinesspersons directly and indirectly involved in tourism. 毕业论文:外文翻译学生姓名:陈崎定稿时间: 2012-5-9 -2- Since the 1970s, economic restructuring and the farm crisis have severely reduced munities ’economic restructuring has caused aloss ofrural manufacturing plants and many jobs. The 1980s farm crisis inthe Midwest also led toadecline inthe numbers offarmers and restructured farm ownership, forcing some farm families toaugment their es with off-farm jobs, todepart farming, ortodeclare bankruptcy. The farm crisis and the loss ofmanufacturing jobs had substantial ripple effects munities. Asrural joblessness rates rose above urban levels, real e growth stag


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