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William Butler Yeats
Weilian·batele · Yeats (William Butler Yeats) (June 13, 1865), also his translation of young "William Butler Yeats", "Yates", Ireland of poets, playwrights, the famous Mystic. Yeats was "Ireland Renaissance movement" leader, Abbey Theatre (the Abbey Theatre), one of the creators.
.威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats)(1865年6月13日—1939年1月28日),亦年轻的他译“叶慈”、“耶茨”,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家,著名的神秘主义者。叶芝是“爱尔兰文艺复兴运动”的领袖,也是艾比剧院(Abbey Theatre)的创建者之一。
Yeats ' earlier creations have ornate style of the romantic, good at creating a fantastic atmosphere, for example, in 1893, he published essays of the Celtic twilight, it belongs to this style. After entering the age of 40, however, under the influence of modernist poets yizila·pangde and others, in particular his participation in Ireland nationalist political movement under the influence of personal experience, a relatively intense changes in Yeats ' writing style more towards modernism
叶芝不仅仅是艾比剧院的决策者之一,也曾担任爱尔兰国会参议员一职。他十分重视自己的这些社会职务,他是爱尔兰参议院中有名的工作勤奋者。叶芝曾于1923年获得诺贝尔文学奖,获奖的理由是“用鼓舞人心的诗篇,以高度的艺术形式表达了整个民族的精神风貌, 1934年,他和拉迪亚德·吉卜林共同获得古腾堡诗歌奖。
Yeats is not only policy makers of the Abbey Theatre, also serving as Ireland post of Senator. He emphasized the importance of this social positions, he was the Ireland known for hard work in the Senate. Yeats in 1923, won the Nobel literature prize, awarded on the grounds that "inspirational poem, to highly artistic forms of expression of the spiritual Outlook of the whole nation.
Early works
The TÜV Rheinland nasifuli island was Yeats in the early days of the representative. The poem focuses performance poet of capitalist civilization's rejected and infinite longing for idyllic pastoral life, escapism and distinctive aesthetic tendency of romance.
早期作品 《茵纳斯弗利岛》是叶芝在早期的代表作。该诗集中表现了诗人对资本主义文明的厌弃和对田园牧歌生活的无限向往,具有逃避现实的唯美倾向和鲜明的浪漫色彩。
The Lake Isle