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文档介绍:Unit 6 Wit and fit
Listening to the world
F = Finn
F: Often it ’ s hard to find a time to exercise when you have -atimfuell job. Lots of my friends belong to gyms but I prefer to go running outside to keep fit. How about you? What do you do to keep fit?
M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.
M1: Uh …I do quite a few things actually. Um, I go to the gym quite regularly. I go for runs. Er,
I ’ m also a little bit involved in the sport of rowing. So, I ’ m dcohw, n there quite a bit. I coa
actually coach rowing as well.
W1: I have three children, and I work full- time. And I don ’ t have a lot of time to do any extra organized exercise.
W2: Er, the main thing I do is I do practice yoga, that incorporates different positions as well as meditation, and different breathing techniques.
M2: Usually, I ride my bike, like I got here. And I go to the gym more or less three to four times a week. And I also watch what I eat.
W3: I dance, and I do yoga - and I just try to be as active as possible - enjoy nature also.
M3: I try and walk everywhere because, um, I don ’ t really enjoy running.
W4: I have quite a hectic lifestyle as a musician but I do try to keep fit — going to the gym, yoga
classes, Pilates classes, er, sometimes running, and generally keeping active.
W5: I ’ m a police officer, so I have quite an active job. Um, I can spend 8 or 12 hours doing foot
patrol, um, walking round the streets of London so I suppose that keeps me quite fit.
F: What other things would you like to do to keep fit?
M1: I ’ d love to get involved with some team sports. I really enjoy, sort of, the team aspect of sport.
Er, particularly I think I ’ d like to get into hockey.
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W1: I ’ d quite like to learn how to play tennis properly. Er, it
I ’ m interested in; it ’ s something I would watch on TV.
my legs are, are not running legs, so I prefer to cycle.
M2: I would like to run, but, er
W3: I would like to learn