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上传人:raojun00001 2021/6/15 文件大小:44 KB




1. 英文推荐信
Dear Teenager Travel Agency of Shanghai:As a teacher, I have always been pleased by 黄笑笑笑’s academic works in the 衢州e68a843231313335323631343130323136353331333236373830 campus. He majors in English and now is already a sophomore in this academy. For the times I have been with 黄笑笑笑. He has been an incredibly hard working student who is very responsible for his jobs. He shows great leadership among his peers and had already passed the 4th level of CET. Not only with his great English, he can also speak some basic Japanese. With his outstanding performance in both academic and humanity. I think you should defiantly consider him first and put him at the top of your list. Best regards,XXX。
2. 【推荐信英语作文】
Dear Sir,I take pleasure in recommending to you my friend Li Ming,who is now studying physics in California University in the Ming was born on July 15,1974 in graduated from Xisi Primary School in 1986 to 1992 he studied in No. 4 Middle School,where he got high scores in maths,physics and chemistry and was fond of literature and 1992,he entered Beijing University,majoring in graduaged with high honours in 1996 and was admitted to California University for advanced result of his excellent work he has got his doctor
’s degree this enjoys excellent health and is ready to work hard for the should be most grateful if you favorably consider my forward to receiving your early truly,Wang Li。
3. 大学英语作文:自荐信~~
. Box 36
BIIT University
Beijing,China 100000
Dear Sir/Madam:
Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who
’s been around for a while.
If you’ve been looking for this rare combination


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