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上传人:平平 2021/6/15 文件大小:484 KB




Unit One Food 1
Unit Two Education 10
Unit Three People 18
Unit Four Travel 28
Unit Five Computer and the Internet 36
Unit Six Sport and Free-time 43
Unit Seven The Natural World 49
Unit Eight The Media 56
Unit Nine The Festivals 63
Unit One Food
I will not eat oysters. I want my food dead – not sick, not wounded – dead.

Woody Allen
Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied.
Chales Caleb Colton
Question: What are good places for a date, for lunch everyday, and your grandfather’s birthday? Why ?
Part One Style Questions
Food and Restaurants
� What types of food are popular in China?
� What types of food do people eat when they go out?
� Is home food and restaurant food the same?
� What kind of restaurants do you like?
� Do you like cooking?
� Can you cook very well?
� What things can you cook?
� Who is the best cook in your family?
� What is a healthy diet? Why?
� Do you think that chinese people are healthy?
� Is it important to try and stay healthy? Why?
� Is it difficult to be healthy?
� What things are unhealthy?
� What things are unhealthy for us? Why ?
� What kinds of food do you like to eat? Why?
Part Two Style Questions
� Describe a popular dish in your country
� Describe a dish you can prepare
� Describe a restaurant you like
� Describe some food you like eating
� Describe a good meal you have eaten
Part Three Style Questions
� Do you think food has changed much in your country in the past ten years?
� Do people eat well in China do you think?
� Do you think that food is important in your culture?
� Do you think that Chinese food will be more or less popular in the future? Why?
� What about in the future; wh