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how to do research - mit csail.pdf

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how to do research - mit csail.pdf


文档介绍:How to do research March 6, 2013 Bill Freeman, CSAIL, puter Science and Arti?cial Intelligence Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology The jump from problem sets to research can be hard. We sometimes see students who ace their classes struggle with their research. In little bites, here is what I think is important for eeding in research as a graduate student. ?The ?rst advice can go on a bumper sticker: “Slow down to speedup”. In classes, the world is rigged. There’s a simple correct answer and the problem is structured to let e to that answer. You get feedback with the correct answer within a day after you submit anything. Research is different. No one tells you the right answer, we don’t know if there is a right answer. We don’t know if something doesn’t work because there’s a sillymistake in the programor because a broad set of assumptions is ?awed. Howdo you deal with that? Take things slowly. Verify your assumptions. Understand the thing, whatever it is–the program, the algorithm, or the proof. As you do experiments, only change one thing at a time, so you knowwhat the e of the experiment means. It may feel like you’re going slowly, but you’ll be making much more progress than if you ?ail around, trying different things, but not understanding what’s going on. Figure 1: Research advice for a bumper sticker. ?Please don’t tell me “it doesn’t work”. Of course it does