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文档介绍:MIN HRS MIN HRS MIN HRS MIN HRS MIN HRS start The symbolism of the diamond Because of scarcity and valuable , human beings always dreamed of it . Extremely rare large diamond particles are often hidden in the palace, not as a symbol of the right to share with the world, but also regarded as a treasure, hereditary transmission. 俄罗斯君主凯瑟林二世加冕时用的皇冠( 1762 )英国伦敦白金汉宫阿得莱德女王( 1820 ) Diamond is a kind of appreciation potential and collection value of the treasure in history, so people regard the diamond in the values ? ? equivalent to wealth, therefore, people who own a diamond are that own an invaluable asset. 奥尔洛夫钻石英国女王王冠库里南第三 3. Love The nature of the diamond crystal is clear, pure, flawless,and extremely hard. This is the same with the feature of love. Throughout the ages, the diamond has frequently been known as the symbol of love. 4. Perfect Diamond is drilled by the grinding process and the grinding talent division, it had a unique variety of quality on the more dazzling and perfect matter, so people placed on the diamond a noble and perfect symbolic meaning . ( people sixtieth anniversary of marriage ------ called the diamond wedding )


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