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Introduction to Proposal Writing
Basically, proposals are persuasive presentations.
Purpose: to solve a problem, alter a procedure, find answers to questions, or conduct research on a topic of mutual interest.
120-140 words
no significant difference between the format required for proposals and reports
Proposals can use various delivery media, such as letter, fax, email, etc.
Introduction to Proposal Writing
A Typical Structure for Proposals
Introducing the Proposal
Providing Reasons / Comparing Pros and Cons
Balancing and Concluding
Lead-in: Reading exercise on
In response to your enquiry about…/ Further to…
At present the company seems to be performing (well\badly)…
On the one hand…but on the other…
One advantage / disadvantage is that…
One other thing to consider is…
Despite…I would still suggest that….
Overall, I would strongly recommend that….
The fact that…makes this a good | poor investment opportunity.
Go to the Writing Task on p. 73
Reading: A Proposal
A salesperson who works for a company renting office space has faxed the proposal below to a client. Read it and answer question 1-3.
1. What are the needs of the client?
2. Is the salesperson able to meet those needs?
3. What are the benefits of the second location?
Dear Mr. Rice
Thank you for your order by fax. Further to your request for office space for twelve months. I’d like to mention that I can also offer you a 10% discount for bookings of an eighteen-month period.
You enquired about availability at the Virginia Walk Centre and offices are still vacant. However, please note that there is limited parking and some offices are on different floors. As an interesting alternative, you might wish to consider a new premises called Dockside (about one mile down the riverside from Virginia Walk). It has the following features:
• a first-floor open-plan office space (75m2) with wonderful views of the old harbour.
• a co


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