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文档介绍:WTD standardization office【WTD 5AB- WTDK 08- WTD 2C】
The Huaqing Hot spring?
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Now we are in the famous imperial park- Huaqing Hot spring. It is located at the foot of Mt. Lishan, about 35 kilometers east of Xi’an. Because it was a natural hot spring, it became a very famous scenic spot.?
Ahead of us is the Mt. Lishan, a branch of Qinling range. It is covered with pines and cypresses and looks very much like a dark green galloping horse from a long distance. In ancient China, a black horse was called “Li”, and this is how it got its name- Li shan mountain.?
Have you noticed the little tower on the top of this hill? This is the famous Remains of a beacon tower from the western Zhou dynasty over 3000 years ago. There are two famous sayings related with it: “a single smile costs 1000 pieces of gold” and “the sovereign rulers are fooled by the beacon fire”.?
Well, let’s come back to the Huaqing Hot spring. Historically, during the western Zhou Dynasty, a stone pool was built and was given the name of Li shan tang. The site was enlarged into a bigger palace during the Han Dynasty, and was renamed Li Palace. During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Xuanzong had a walled palace built around the Li Hill. It was known as Huaqing Place.?
As we know, the Huaqing Hall was destroyed at the end of the Tang dynasty, and what is open to


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