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上传人:小健 2021/6/27 文件大小:88 KB




文档介绍:南京工业大学 西方文论 试题(A)卷(开)
班级英语1303 学号2401130332 姓名左洁
An Interpretation of Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Socialist Feminism

Socialist feminism
The basis of socialist feminism is historical materialism, which emphasizes that material life figuring people's concepts persistently. Socialist feminism digests new ideas and develops itself into liberal feminists, Beauvoir's feminism theory, radical feminism and Marxist feminism. The class oppression that the proletariat suffers from contributes to female's bad situation on material and economic capability. Socialist feminism pays close attention from the perspectives of the issue of economic reasons and states of capitalism. People in favor of socialist feminism support that it is essential to change the social structure drastically. Only in this way can the gender equality become reality.
Jane Eyre
The author of Jane Eyre is Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855). This legacy of feminism was published in 1847, and the characters in this book were the profiles of the social situation at that time in different aspects. On the one hand, In 19th century, it is a matter of course that financial burdens should be undertaken by male. In this way, females at that time lost their subjectivity and merely the tool for washing clothes and cook


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