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甲方名称: 乙方名称:地址: 地址:根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,合同双方就乙方向甲方提供一次性中心机房设备搬迁服务事宜,经协商达成一致,确立本合同,以明确双方的责任、权利及义务,确保合同双方共同执行。
moving services agreementthis moving services agreement (the "agreement") is entered into as of the日期 day of 月份, 2006, between 甲方名称 with its principal place of business at 甲方地址 (hereinafter referred to as the “shipper") and 乙方名称 with its principal place of business at 乙方地址(hereinafter referred to as the"carrier").
recitalsthe shipper wishes to have its equipment in the central terminal moved from the current address to 新地址and the carrier is in the business of moving services and assures the shipper that it has the facilities, personnel, and technical expertise necessary to carry out the single fullservice move. in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, both the parties reach the agreement as follows, subject to the contract laws of people's republic of china. hence, the responsibilities, rights, and obligations of each party are specified with the view to ensuring that both parties will honorably put the agreement into execution.
exemptions1. in performing the services stipulated in the agreement, the carrier shall be responsible for moving the shipper's hardware only, but shall not in any way be held lia


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