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John Keats 英国诗人济慈PPT课件.pptx

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John Keats 英国诗人济慈PPT课件.pptx


文档介绍:1. Life and Career
Born in London, the son of a livery-stable owner
Educated at the Clarke’s School where his first inclination toward poetry was initiated
His father died when he was nine and his mother died when he was fifteen.
Apprenticed to a surgeon and apothecary and studied medicine at Guy’s Hospital in London
John Keats
Became a licensed apothecary in 1816, but turned to devote himself to poetry
Published his first important poem “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” in 1816 in Hunt’s paper, the Examiner
The reviewers of Blackwood’s Magazine, the Quarterly Review and the British Critic launched savage attacks on Keats, declaring Endymion to be sheer nonsense, recommending that Keats give up poetry and go back to the chemist’s
John Keats
Griefs and troubles crowded in upon him:
his dearly loved brother, Tom, died;
he was in trouble about money;
he became ill with tuberculosis;
he fell in love but could not marry the one he loved due to his poverty and poor health.
It was this yearning and suffering that quickened his maturity and added a new dimension to his poetry.
From 1818 to 1820, Keats reached the summit of his poetic creation.
The third and best of his volumes of poetry, Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, was published in 1820.
Keats went to Rome to seek a warm climate for the winter in the fall of 1820
He died there on February 23, 1821, and was buried in the Protestant cemetery.
Keats’s grave in Rome
2. Points of View
Keats is a moderate radical, has great sympathy for the poor.
He believes that poetry is a release from misery, a vehicle to paradise.
The mission of poetry is to work for the welfare of the people.
The message carried in his poetry is the lasting power of beauty and its union with truth.
3. Major Works
“On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” (1816)
Endymion (1817)
Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of