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英语四级考试英语四级词汇 [【英语四级(CET4)写作】英语四级考试写作范文].doc

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英语四级考试英语四级词汇 [【英语四级(CET4)写作】英语四级考试写作范文].doc

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英语四级考试英语四级词汇 [【英语四级(CET4)写作】英语四级考试写作范文].doc


文档介绍:英语四级考试英语四级词汇 [【英语四级(CET4)写作】英语四级考试写作范文]
resume is often the first impression a potential employer has of you and first impressions are still the most Go to your local library and find books on resume writing. Take a good look at the various resume formats. Think about the type of job you are trying to get. List the skills and education you have that matches the job. For example: Organized, Gets along well with various types of personalities, Extensive experience composing business correspondence, etc. Put your list in priority order beginning with the area where you have the most experience. For instance, list your accounting accomplishments first, if you are strongest in accounting. However, if you just graduated college, list your education first, highlighting the classes that relate most to the job you want. Use action-oriented words/phrases like: responsible for oversaw managed, etc. For example: Responsible for file management. Avoid too much detail. The details can be covered in your you have the text of the resume ready, work on the format. If you are using a computer (recommended), bullet each specific skill. Make sure you don t crowd too much onto the page, as this will put off a potential employer. It is better to take information out. You want your resume to be clean, neat and professional. The top of the page should list your contact


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