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react - voice of the martyrs.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react - voice of the martyrs.pdf



文档介绍:6 Faithful Until Death by P. tleton & VOM Australia staff n March 21, 2007, Christianah Oluwasesin looked forward to the ending of school that day. That’s because the Christian teacher was to leave the government high school in Gombe, a city in northern Nigeria, and be reunited with her husband, Femi. But first things first, she had to give her female students their final exam. The exam would test the student’s knowledge of Islam. To prevent cheating, she collected the book bags of each student and brought them to the front of the class. One of the students began to cry. She told the class that there was a Quran in her bag and by touching the bag the Christian teacher had “desecrated” the Quran inside it. Tears turned to outrage and anger, and soon the class was shouting “Allahu Akbar”—God is great. They began threatening the teacher. A fellow teacher rushed Christianah to the principal’s office. The official locked the schoolteacher in the bathroom to get her away from what was now an angry mob. But outside, the anger was growing. Radical Muslims who lived nearby heard motion and ran to the school. Eventually a mob of Muslim extremists dragged Christianah out of the school and clubbed her to death, then burned her body. Recently, VOM’s partner ministry in Nigeria, Stephen Centre International, dedicated a learning center in her honor. Her husband Femi was th


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