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react canada.pdf

上传人:薄荷牛奶 2016/6/14 文件大小:0 KB


react canada.pdf



文档介绍:Youare certainly aware that concussions are ing more prominent in the world of sports and that the consequences of a concussion can be dramatic for all involvedif not treated properly. Through our partnership with reACTCanada, we are confident that our student-athletes will be properly monitored to ensure a healthy returnto their normal activities. The team behind reACT Canadaconsists of Dr. Scott Delaney, a sports medicine and emergency physician specializedin concussions (Royal-Victoria Hospital);an osteopath, Mrs. Laura Leslie;and a physiotherapist, Mr. Ronny Varga. Mr. Varga is the coordinator of the team. reACTCanadawill assess, treat, direct the athlete to a specialist,if necessary, inform (you, the school, munity coaches, the Sport-étudescoachesand teachers), take care of the return-to-learn and then return-to- fact, their slogan is “Learn first, Play second”?. The partnership also includes: - An information sessionfor students(date to be determined), - An information sessionwith all of ourSport-études/sport concentration coaches(date to be determined), - An evening information sessionfor parents(date to be determined), and - A baseline test. With baseline testing, the resulting data is valuable in determining the athletes pre-injury (. normal) level of cognitive and, at times, physical functioning. In addition, it allows for a parison fo