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工作能力自我评价 [it专业能力英文自我评价].doc

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工作能力自我评价 [it专业能力英文自我评价].doc

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工作能力自我评价 [it专业能力英文自我评价].doc



文档介绍:工作能力自我评价 [it专业能力英文自我评价]
工作能力自我评价 [it专业能力英文自我评价]

Proficient skilled IT computer hardware and software technology, IT technology development surrounding a keen interest; team spirit and adaptability, good under pressure, like the face of the challenges and difficulties; work absolutely hard-working, serious and responsible, I hope to get your company a valuable interview.
Fluent in English, you can use English communication barrier and writing technical documentation. Cheerful and lively, like innovation, challenge. Like sports, I love reading. Curious about new things, willing to accept new knowledge. Team leadership ability, independent thinking but good communication; calm, wise, able to work under pressure.
JavaEE over 5 years of experience and 3 years of project management experience. Management 10-15-person cross-functional teams. Kanemichi technology and management of both worlds. Familiar with the financial industry knowledge. PMP, CertifiedScrumMaster, through the CFA Level I exam.
Features: * Financial distributed systems experience;
* Requirements analysis, software architecture design, object-oriented analysis and design, domain-driven design, GoF design patterns, enterprise application architectu


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