文档介绍:毕业设计框架 框架结构宿舍楼毕业设计
XX大 学 毕 业 设 计 题 目:
威海市电子科技大学五层宿舍楼 框架结构设计 院、 系:
建筑工程系 姓 名:
XXX 指导教师:
XXX 系 主 任:
XXX 年 月 日 威海市电子科技大学五层宿舍楼框架结构设计 摘 要 本设计为威海市电子科技大学五层宿舍楼框架结构设计,该项目位于威海市主要用于解决学生宿舍不足的问题,该项目根据规范对其进行结构设计。
关键词: 框架结构、结构设计 The Five Layer Apartment Building of Weihai Electronic Science and Technology University Abstract This design for the university of electronic science and technology in weihai city five layers of a dormitory building frame structure design, the project is located in weihai city is mainly used to solve the problem of insufficient student dormitory, the project according to the specification for structural design. The apartment meters tall, with a total construction area of 2983 m2, of 7 degree seismic fortification intensity, the foundation soil is relatively stable. The framework design, seismic design of structure design, component design and foundation design, etc. This design mainly for 1 cross reinforcement design. In determining the frame layout and distribution after getting all kinds of load, the effect of the size of the statistics, the D value method, hierarchical method, and the bottom shear method calculates the structure internal force, and on this basis, a group of internal force combination and choose the most unfavorable to reinforcement, reinforcement results finall
y. In addition, this design also USES the PKPM software to design, etc. Keywords: electric machine, fault analysis 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 工程概况 1 工程概况 1 设计依据 1 建筑平面图 2 结构布置图 3 第2章 结构布置 4 梁尺寸估算 4 柱截面尺寸估算 4 第3章 荷载统计 7 恒荷载统计 7 活荷载统计 9 第4章 屋盖及楼盖设计 10 楼面板设计 10 屋面板设计 14 第5章 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 17 风荷载作用下标准值计算 17 风荷载作用下水平位移计算 17 框架线刚度计算 18 柱侧移刚度计算 19 风荷载作用下内力计算 19 第6章 地震作用 23 抗震设计中的重力荷载代表值计算