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幽默大师 斯蒂芬 李柯克 英文.pdf

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幽默大师 斯蒂芬 李柯克 英文.pdf

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幽默大师 斯蒂芬 李柯克 英文.pdf


文档介绍:语文学刊 2007年第 12期
A G reatHumorist

Stephen Leacock

Gao Y iw en Chen Y ing
( Foreign Languages College of Inner M ongolia Un iversity, H uhhot Inner M ongolia 010021)
[ A bstract] Stephen L eacock is best know n for his profound iron ic and sa tirica lw it. Satire is defined as a g enre in
wh ich the author attacks som e sub ject, using his m eans of w it or humour that is e ither fan tastic or absurd. In the case o f
Sunshine Sketches of a L ittle T ow n, h is irony and sagac ious insight w ith regards to h is comm ents on the lives o f the inhabit
ants ofM ariposa, w ith regards to a ll the ir se lf- importance, pretensions, and hypocrisy as we ll he lp to further enhance the
va lue of his humour. W ithou t the w it and sty le tha t Stephen L eacock presents in Sunsh ine Sketches, the book w ou ld simp ly
be a co llection of mundane, out- of- da te, cu ltura l sn ippets of rura l Canad ian life. T he hum our he lps the fam ous nove l
Sunshine Ske tches of a L ittle T ow n to transcend the mundane and becom e a p iece of literature that is as pro found and appli
cable to soc iety today as it w as a