文档介绍:: .
中 文 题 目:废气涡轮增压器结构设计
外文题目:Exhaust turbocharger structure design
毕业设计(论文)共 67 页(其中:外文文献及译文36页) 图纸共3张
完成日期 2010年6月 答辩日期 2010年6月
Turbochargers can improve engines’power performance and reduce exhaust emissions without changing their were mainly used in diesel enginesfirstly .Turbo, namely the turbocharging, is called T, most early time (SAAB) the Car company applies by Sweden's Sabo in the automobile domain. Many people have known now, the turbocharging is called TURBO, if saw in the passenger vehicle rear part TURBO or T, namely indicated this vehicle uses the engine is the turbocharging engine. These automobile's engine work, is makes the merit depending on the fuel in the engine cylinder internal combustion, thus foreign output. In engine capacity certain situation, if wants to raise engine's output, the most effective method provides the fuel burning much. However, provides the fuel to the air cylinder in easily to do, but must provide the enough quantity the air to support the fuel to burn completely, is very difficult to complete depending on the traditional engine air intake system.
Key words: Turbo; Air cylinder internal combustion; Fuel
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HYPERLINK \l "_Toc264065102" 2废气涡轮增压器压气机结构设计 6
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc264065103" 压气机的结构 6