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上传人:Ck_wangyulover 2021/7/6 文件大小:79 KB





一幅图 正面
As is obviously and noticeably depicted in the caricature above.
On the ground stand a()raising his/her head+ dressed in () with a smile
on her face .How vivid and thought-provoking the picture is.
Undoubtedly, the intention of the drawing is to reveal that
recently,+主旨. Our daily life has been filled with a variety of examples
as an example how could Beethoven, the great Germen music composer
who became deaf at his forties. Compose so many enduring symphonies
and win respect and affection from the whole would without perseverance
/strong will/objective/optimism how could Nightingale, who was born with
Blue blood, give up her favorable living conditions and dedicate her whole
life to helping those who are injured and in need without sincere
love and philanthropy. Several factors may lead to the phenomenon
but I shall here explore only a few of the most significant ones. Those
people possess the financial ability to do sth sb do sth due to the fact
that they of high moral standing. Traditional education succeeds in
training sth to do sth 主旨+can widen our horizons and
exert a profound influence on our personalities and lives.
In short where there is better 主旨,there are more hopes, vitality and
development. Each of us should affair high emphasis on 主


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