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文档介绍:. Step-Parent munity Services Directorate Social Services 1 2 Blaenau Gwent Social Services - Information about Step-Parent Adoption Partners of parents often wish to adopt children from their partner’s previous relationships. Step-parent adoption involves ing a legal parent of the child. This involves making a lifelong commitment to the child. To adopt your partner’s child who normally lives in the UK you will need to tell your local council that you plan to adopt at least three months before starting your adoption application with the court. Before you start Adoption is first and foremost about what is best for the child/ children involved. It is important to realise that step-parent adoption is not the only way to provide a stable and secure family environment or to recognise the rights, roles and responsibilities of step-parents. You should therefore consider all the alternatives before going ahead with a step-parent adoption, the Courts will not automatically grant an adoption order and will expect other alternatives to have been explored and assessed first. It is advisable to seek advice before making an adoption application. You can contact us for information and advice before contacting your local county or magistrate’s court, our contact details are included in the “contact information” section. You may also consider contacting a solicitor who specialises in children and family law although this is not pulsory requirement. You will find details of family solicitors in the local telephone directory or the Yellow Pages. The Impact of Step-Parent Adoption: On the adopted child A number of es from step-parent adoption include: l The relationship between the child and the step-parent will be recognised in law. l The step-parent will acquire parental responsibility on the same footing as the birth parent. l The child may acquire a new surname or family name. There are a number of wider reaching consequences to consider as the child