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文档介绍:Document number:BGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-2022
MR STAR: Hello there, everybody. We're the Stars.
STELLA: Hello. I'm Stella and I'm ten. This is my Aunt May. She's a doctor, and I want to be a doctor too.
SIMON: Hi. I'm Simon and I'm nine. This is my Uncle Fred. He's my mum's brother. He's a farmer. This is my favourite comic, Lock and Key. It's about two detectives. I want to be a detective.
SUZY: Hello. I'm Suzy. I'm six. This is my grandfather, Grandpa Star. He's funny. He knows lots of good games. I want to be funny too!
NARRATOR: Simon and Alex are in their Art class. They're making bowls and they can't stop. They're busy.
SIMON: Oooh. My bowl's terrible!
NARRATOR: Alex is careful and slow. His bowl's good.
NARRATOR: Stella and Lenny are in their Maths lesson. Stella's very happy because she loves Maths and thinks it's easy. Lenny doesn't think Maths is easy. He thinks it's difficult.
LENNY: I can't do this Maths problem. It's difficult.
STELLA: Come on, Lenny. You can do it. It's easy.
NARRATOR: ... It's 73-72. What an exciting game! Meera's got the ball and she's running with it. Meera's quick. The boy's slow.
GIRL: This is really boring. I don't like basketball.
SIMON: Hey! The school show's really exciting, Dad.
MR STAR: Yes, it is ... and it's good to see your teachers. Who are they all
SIMON: Well, the man who's talking to Mum is my Maths teacher. He's called Mr Newton.
MR STAR: Right. Is the man who's singing your Music teacher
SIMON: No, he's Mr Burke, our sports teacher. Miss Flower's our Music teacher. She's the woman who's wearing the long green skirt. They do the 'After school club'.
MR STAR: The 'After school club' What's that
SIMON: It's a new club where we can do lots of exciting things on Thursday afternoons. ... And can you guess who my Art teacher is
MR STAR: Ooh, Simon, that's difficult. Is it the woman who's playing the guitar
SIMON: Very funny, Dad. No, that's Mrs Robinso


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