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My Son.doc

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My Son.doc

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My Son.doc


文档介绍:My Son It is all about my son, but he is not my son. Ed and I remained childless for ten years. Then somehow I started to long for a child more desperately than ever before. I dreamed ofa child day and night. I thought of adopting one, but it cost thirty thousand dollars, I was told, and we didn ’t have the money. I thought of kidnapping one, but never had the courage to do so. In our eleventh year of marriage, at long last, I became pregnant. How excited we were! We were expecting a baby boy. While I was in my fourth month of pregnancy, Ed had to go ona military mission to the Balkans. My baby did not want to wait. He gave signs ing out, when he was twenty-six weeks old. Since Ed was at war, I had to travel to the hospital with a visiting relative — my mother ’s sister ’s niece from Finland. The whole village looked forward to the birth of my baby. How disappointed we were. We travelled two hundred miles from the country to the large hospital in the city, only to lose the baby. I could not go back home without a baby. I could not tell my husband I had lost it. My relative knew what I wanted. She disguised herself asa nurse and went into the ward three doors from us and picked upa baby boy for a bath, as she told them. We left town, with me cradling the crying boy and my relative carrying the dead baby in the travelling bag. The evening news said a baby boy was stolen by someon