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初中英语日记100字 [关于爬山的英语日记].doc

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初中英语日记100字 [关于爬山的英语日记].doc

上传人:raojun00002 2021/7/10 文件大小:26 KB


初中英语日记100字 [关于爬山的英语日记].doc



文档介绍:初中英语日记100字 [关于爬山的英语日记]
We had a seven-day holiday for May Day. So my family and I went to climb Country Mountain.
We went there by my father s car. It took about an hour. It was long and dull.
At about nine o clock, we began to climb the mountain. We enjoyed it and we didn t feel tired at all. We sang and chatted while we were climbing the mountain. When we got to the top of the mountain, we found ourselves sweating and out of breathe. We sat on the stones in the sunshine to have a rest. There were many pine trees around us. The grass was getting green; the wind was soft and fresh. Everything was so beautiful that all of us couldn t help shouting to the mountain loudly, We lo
ve nature!
Before departure, the mist is dispersing, this is the last night, the baptism of reasons. open the door, and a fresh wind with the wind, the weariness of my face suddenly disappeared.
We all along the sidewalk, sucking in the rain had to bring our good air. well, since the last few day is always the sun was fierce, the entire city seemed as if a large steamer, we find to a breath of fresh air, as it matches a few days. i have more and stay in an air-conditioned room. go over the delay in the plan. but today i can finally my days have been a dream of plan!! I finally came


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